Concordia Academy > CA Families > Documents & Links > PSEO Attendance Agreement PSEO Attendance Agreement This form is designed for juniors and seniors taking classes in our College On Campus (PSEO) program. Student Name First Last Student Concordia Academy Email Parent Email Terms of Junior/Senior College Release A parent signature on this form permits their student to leave campus on any first or last block of any day when a college class is not meeting. Students with a late start must arrive in time for chapel. Tardy for chapel can be grounds to have this privilege revoked. If students have a study hall before a college class that would normally meet last block, they must be in school during study hall. This agreement only applies to blocks 1,2,7&8. Students are expected to be in school blocks 3,4,5&6 unless otherwise excused by a parent using our attendance reporting system. Parent: I have checked the above boxes, agreeing to the terms of Junior/Senior College Release. Check to give parental permission.Parent SignatureStudent: I have checked the above boxes, agreeing to the terms of Junior/Senior College Release. Check to show student has read and agrees to the above terms.Student SignatureStudent Schedule. * Note: this agreement will have to be resubmitted if a student's schedule changes for any reason.Max. file size: 50 MB.I have multiple college classes in a row not taught by CA teachers. *Note: All college classes taught by CA teachers will meet on the same schedule as high school courses, including Fridays. yes no My student has 3-4 college classes in a row. On a day when multiple classes do not meet, my student has permission to come to campus late or leave earlier. *NOTE: Permission can be revoked by CA if a student is regularly missing or tardy for chapel, Family Life Groups or other special assemblies/student body activities. I agree to the extended release policy.My student has 3-4 college classes in a row. On a day when multiple classes do not meet, my student has permission to come to campus late or leave earlier. *NOTE: Permission can be revoked by CA if a student is regularly missing or tardy for chapel, Family Life Groups, or other special assemblies/student body activities. Parent Signature